Scripting – the essential skillset for a Quality Engineer – Part 2

Click here to read about Scripting- the essential skillset for a Quality Engineer- Part 1

There is more to scripting, however let me take a couple of examples to explain how scripting can be easy and take out the rudimentary tasks from your day-to-day work. Take it slow and steady to understand the example; it’s not a one time understanding across one single day . I kindly request the reader to invest certain time and effort within your 24/7 packed up schedule to gradually build up the skill of Shell Programming to reap its complete benefit.

Analysing a log file:

Original LOG FILE:

[106564]{223964}[144/221781529] 2015-10-12 15:40:04.557602 i TraceContext
TraceContext.cpp(00827) : UserName=QA2
[106564]{223964}[144/221781529] 2015-10-12 15:40:04.557581 e LJIT
cePopCustomLjit.cpp(00563) : Llang Runtime Error: Exception::SQLException301: unique constraint violated: 
TrexUpdate failed on table 'QA2:TEMPLATE' with error: 
unique constraint violation for table QA2:TEMPLATEen, constraint='$uc_UNI_3DBFC338$', 
value='V”^Ü∂üN·', pos=0; indexname=UNI_3DBFC338, rc=55

Let us go ahead and extract some useful information from the log:

  1. Find the file in log path, based on filename pattern.
  2. In the error log fine fine error message line based on pattern.
  3. Send the error details through email for further analysis.
  4. Include the system details and date time for reference in the error log file.

Here is the script that filters out the content that we require:

#! /bin/bash

echo "SID = $SID" >>Error.log
echo "SNO = $SYSNO" >>Error.log
echo "Hostname= $HOST" >>Error.log
echo "Script executed by user = "`whoami` >>Error.log
echo `date` >>Error.log
echo " " >>Error.log

echo "Error Info:" >>Error.log

grep -i 'error' $PATTERN.* | sed -n -e 's/^.*[Ee][Rr][Rr][Oo][Rr]/Error/p' >>Error.log

echo "PFA of the Error logs" | `mail -a Error.log -s "Error Logs" [email protected] `

if ![ $? -eq 0 ]
       echo "Script failed , Logs were not sent to mail"
        echo "Script successful , Logs were sent to mail"

The final output from the log that can be emailed to a given user:

SNO = 02
Hostname =
Wed Oct 21 15:38:36 IST 2015

Error Info:

[106564]{223964}[144/221781529] 2015-10-12 15:40:04.557581 e LJIT
cePopCustomLjit.cpp(00563) : Llang Runtime Error: Exception::SQLException301: 
unique constraint violated: TrexUpdate failed on table 'QA2:TEMPLATE' with error: 
unique constraint violation for table QA2:TEMPLATEen, constraint='$uc_UNI_3DBFC338$', value=‘V'

Test data creation to test maximum length:

  1. Field 1 – 10 Length – Number
  2. Field 2 – 64 Length – String
  3. Field 3 – 100 Length – Number
  4. Field 3 – 256 Length – String

Here is the script that can print length by the number of characters you require for integer or character data type:

echo "#############################"
echo "Please provide the length : "
echo "#############################"
read len
echo "#######################################"
echo "Please provide the type of the field :"
echo "Enter 1 for Number and 2 for String : "
echo "#######################################"
read type
if [ $type == 2 ]
printf '%*s' "$len" | tr ' ' "$ch"
echo " "
elif [ $type == 1 ]
printf '%*s' "$len" | tr ' ' "$num"
echo " "
echo "Please provide correct inputs"
echo " "

The output for the 10, 100 – numbers, 64, 256 – characters :


To Conclude:

In the above examples:

  • We learnt that scripting is not hard, it is easy
  • We looked a couple of problem areas and came up with solutions
  • Scripting helps QA become creative and eliminate the rudimentary tasks by automating them

I would want to take a minute to wish you good luck and promise that you will definitely reap great benefits and give u 100% assurance that this skill will make a  tester’s life all the more interesting and fun .

Shushma Amarnath
Coviam Technologies

Also published on Medium.

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