Why Appium serves you best for Mobile Automation?
Mobile automation has become the need of the hour. That is why tools such as Selendroid, Calabash, Frank, KIF, Robotium etc. are becoming popular in the market. Appium remains the most preferred one when it comes to mobile automation. Appium is an open source mobile automation tool, which can be written in a range of languages such as Java, C#, Ruby etc. without having to modify the app for automation. It is scalable and offers extensive support. These are just the basic reasons for the soaring popularity of Appium.
Let’s analyse why Appium serves the best for mobile automation:
All platform and Cross-platform
Enterprise mobility earns Appium most of its brownie points. Appium supports iOS and Android. It supports Native and Hybrid automation. Appium is a web server utilizing the REST API and uses the WebDriver JSON wire protocol to interact with native iOS and Android apps. This mandates that the Node.js is pre-installed on the mobile. On Apple devices, Appium uses the Instruments application or, in the latest versions, XCUITest framework to automate the apps. On Android devices, Appium uses the UI Automator that supports the JUnit testcases to automate the apps.
Standard API
Appium uses a standard API across platforms which ensures that the apps don’t have to be recoded or recompiled the test scripts when the platform changes between iOS and Android. The only change required is on the UI which is platform dependent.
Multi-language Support
Appium supports a wide range of scripting languages such as Javascript, Java, C#, Ruby, Python, Perl etc compatible with the WebDriver. This facilitates Appium to work across platforms and frameworks.
Compatible with popular Testing Frameworks
Appium is compatible across popular testing frameworks. In fact, it supports almost all known testing frameworks that are used across platforms. Before Appium, test scripts in Java could be used only with Google’s UI Automator and those in Javascript could be used only with Apple’s UI Automation. With Appium, the mobility teams can now use the framework of their choice.
No Installation Required
You can just download the Appium tools and start working on your iOS or Android devices without having to install anything. Appium works perfectly on a native, web or hybrid system, be it in real time, on simulator or emulator. It even works on any browser supported by the mobile devices.
Appium supports multiple languages, is cross-platform and scalable. This eliminates the need to set up various platforms during Appium integration. Moreover, users can use the app without having to recompile or recode, making it more cost-effective.
Wide Support
Being open source, Appium comes with wide support from the open source community. Appium users can benefit from frequent version updates, bug fixes, and a huge online community ever supporting the budding professionals.
The Downside
Just as a coin has two sides, Appium also has a few disadvantages, though not as significant. Appium doesn’t support image recognition. Weak documentation and long installation time are other two disadvantages of Appium.
Despite these downsides, Appium offers the most support across platforms, frameworks, languages and APIs. It supports cloud-based testing on devices, simulators and emulators. You can compare it with the other popular mobile automation tools.
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Blog Cover Photo by Lorenzo Rui on Unsplash